
  • 天津版袁大头银元价格已关闭评论
  • A+
所属分类:袁大头 银元


 USD 300 - 500


 2020-05-07 09:00:00

 2020-05-07 18:00:00


 USD 5760



民国三年袁世凯像一圆银币。 深打,整体呈深灰色包浆。
CHINA. Dollar, Year 3 (1914). PCGS MS-62 Gold Shield. L&M-63; K-646; KM-Y-329. A boldly struck and finely detailed Dollar with cloudy, dark gray toning throughout.
On September 1, 2019, the United States enacted new tariffs on collectors items manufactured in China. Accordingly, all buyers in forthcoming Stacks Bowers and Ponterio Hong Kong Auctions who wish to have any Chinese manufactured item delivered within the United States will be subject to these tariffs.Furthermore, as a result of the new tariffs, all orders will be shipped directly from our Hong Kong offices and shipments to the United States will be subject to our international shipping chart.