光绪戊申一文铜板成交价 光绪戊申一文铜板成交价已关闭评论A+所属分类:大清铜币 光绪戊申一文铜板成交价 拍品估价: USD 7000 - 9000拍品专场: SBP2018年8月香港-古钱 金银锭 机制币开拍日期: 2018-08-07 10:00:00结标日期: 2018-08-07 17:00:00拍品品相: PCGS MS64成交价格: USD 20400拍卖公司: SBP拍卖状态: 成交拍品描述:戊申光绪一文铜样币。非常稀罕。铜铸。铸打深峻,细节精美,诱人巧克力色铜绿,丝丝原厂红光闪耀,玫瑰图案环绕。CL-HB.50; CCC-642; Duan-2478; KM-Pn266. VERY RARE. Struck in copper. Sharply struck with good definition of the fine details. Lovely chocolate patina with hints of original mint red and rose in the peripheries.PCGS MS-64 BN Secure Holder.