四川省造卢比1/4卢比成交价 四川省造卢比1/4卢比成交价已关闭评论A+所属分类:卢比 拍品估价: USD 1000 - 1500拍品专场: SBP2019年8月香港-机制币地方开拍日期: 2019-08-20 10:00:00结标日期: 2019-08-20 19:00:00拍品品相: PCGS AU58成交价格: USD 4080拍卖公司: SBP拍卖状态: 成交拍品描述:四川1/4卢比银币。 铸打精良,反面带典型瑕疵,中央图文有烟灰色包浆。CHINA. Szechuan-Tibet. 1/4 Rupee, ND (1904-12). PCGS AU-58 Gold Shield. L&M-362; K-596; KM-Y-1; WS-0777. A well struck piece with the typical slight weakness on the reverse just about the central devices displaying attractive smokey grey tone throughout. From the Mas Fera Collection.With old collector s envelope.