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拍品专场: SBP2019年8月香港-机制币地方
开拍日期: 2019-08-20 10:00:00
结标日期: 2019-08-20 19:00:00
拍品品相: PCGS AU53
成交价格: USD 33600
拍卖公司: SBP
拍卖状态: 成交
民国十七年甘肃省造孙中山像一圆银币。 极其稀罕,备受追捧的版别,与其它民国铸币相比,银材纯度较低。铸打精美,磨损均匀,斑驳灰褐色包浆。无甚瑕疵的难得品,定会引发激烈竞逐。
CHINA. Kansu. Dollar, Year 17 (1928). PCGS AU-53 Gold Shield. L&M-618; K-760; KM-Y-410; WS-0720. A VERY RARE and a highly sought after type struck in lower purity silver than most other contemporary Chinese Dollars. A decently struck and evenly worn dollar with mottled gray to charcoal toning. A tough to find problem free issue certain to see spirited bidding.